My Ass Hurts Tour 2023 - Jay, Ron And Ken Take A Scoot.


Day Twelve Of Group Ride Is Espanola To Marathon.

Friday, June 30





Two Bits from Ken.

We arrive a tad later in the day to find the hotel down by the water already has a No Vacancy sign on. No worries, as luck would have it we found this fine place that just happened to have a pub next door. Talk about the luck of us travelers. Yup... you guessed it some good drinks, food and laughs just a 2 min walk from our rooms.

Just noticed one small thing traveling around Canada. I have to give British Columbia the highest ratings for rest stops. Something one does notice when traveling on a motorcycle. They seem to have the most being around 60 K or so apart with more signs telling you how far to the next one. Also... with the fact they usually have TP on hand. I always travel with a roll of TP, paper towels and sani wipes in the bike. Hmmm... ( Brad is a wise man ).


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