Welcome To Exploits Photo Albums and Stories


Mission Statement 2021


“Exploits” is a collection of amateur photography and stories by any of my non Yukon friends. My hope is to sustain a varied collection of images and stories that depicts any other part of the World in an honest revealing fashion.

My NON - Yukon friends and neighbors are invited to submit images and stories that reveal the World at its best and also when it is challenged. A picture is worth a thousand words ( the easy way to tell a story ) so we will let the pictures speak for themselves. If anyone is willing to write 1000 words... I would love to have the stories also.


Please have a look at our photography and stories... we hope you enjoy!


This content will always be a work in progress and will continually be edited and reviewed.


Buddy Kim - Photography

CT 70-Jay

HD Street Glide-Jay

Ice Profiling to SSDC-Jay


KK Scoot 21-Kim-Ken

KLR 650-Jay

Looking For Jerry Potts-Jay

My Ass Hurts Tour 2023





New Goldwing Bikes-Jay-Ron

Scoot BC 21-Jay-Ken

Sister Joan

Video of Mr. Jack Hambleton





Visit Jay Travel Plans


XT 550 Adventure-Jay


Move To Website Area




Jay Hambleton Intro Page

Yukon Exploits

Original Paintings

Non Yukon Exploits